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Effective Business Writing and Public Speaking Playbook | Paul Falcone HR

Effective Business Writing and Public Speaking Playbook


As business professionals, we spend 70 – 90% of our total working hours engaging in some form of communication. Yet, we often pay scant attention to how we communicate with others, especially in terms of business writing and public speaking. This playbook contains tips, shortcuts, strategies, and checklists to make your communication shine and build a stronger executive presence.


Written by a bestselling author of 17 books, a SHRM columnist, and a former CHRO, it’s designed to help you master not only the basics of business writing and public speaking but also some of the advanced skills you’ll need to develop a written and verbal communication style that stands out. Created for today’s modern workplace, it includes content creation and storytelling, public speaking in a virtual setting, caveats about chatbot-assisted writing, mastering inclusion and belonging your communication style, and the shift in mindset you’ll need to calm your nerves before any presentation. 

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